

We offer classes in a variety of disciplines. Programs and pricing are based on the number of classes per week and the number of arts you study. Start with one, or try them all!

  • Karate-JuJutsu

  • Aikido

  • Weapons training (Upper Belts Only)

  • Grappling

  • Judo

  • Cardio-Kickboxing

  • Womens Self-Defense

  • Reality-Based Street Training (Adults only)

Download ACMMA schedule.


Tiny Tigers

This class is offered twice per week for our littlest martial artists. (ages 3-4) The emphasis is on coordination, safety and awareness, and following instruction.


Little Dragons

This class includes two lessons per week for students ages 5 -6. It is a continuation of balance, coordination and safety skills and also provides an introduction to more formal martial arts training. Students will learn drills that improve motor skills and encourage respectful interaction.



For students aged 7-10, traditional martial arts training begins with concentration and self control. Students learn required skills each quarter to enable them to test for belt ranks. The emphasis is on self-defense and classes are taught in a fun, energetic environment by certified Black Belts.



For ages 11-13, this class focuses on empowering pre-teens to deal with stress and allows continued progression of strength, physical fitness, and mental toughness. Students learn required skills each quarter to enable them to test for belt ranks.



For students age 14 and up. Classes are one hour and appropriate for all belt ranks. Students will learn the art of Aam-ka-jutsu and become eligible to test for rank each quarter. The benefits of adult training include increased confidence and awareness and an understanding of personal safety techniques.